Monday, December 16, 2013

Running 2013 Highlights

Highlights of this year mostly about my traveling (of course) and my running activities.. :)
But on this page, now it's all about running.
"Those first two kilometres, they were the warm up. This is the bit that's doing me good, and if it doesn't get any worse than this, I can handle it."

Tawaran untuk ikut beberapa race sudah sering diajakin dari temen-temen, tapi entah kenapa perasaan antara takut (ga mampu) dan malu yang suka duluan muncul *doh!*
I am not a runner, but I always enjoy spending my time on treadmill plus nike+ running app was sooo cool! :D

Pendek cerita dan awal mula, daftarlah saya..

My first running race was fx Sunday Fun Race on Sep 22, 2013 (5K)!

Turned out, it was fun..
At that race, I remembered to keep running, running and running.. lebih karena takut ditinggal lari sendirian makanya lari terus non-stop ... dan ternyata, ada kok yang jalan.. Yaiyalaaah! Hahaha...

Not bad for a beginner :) and yes! I'm proud of myself. I finished my first 5K in 42:18 minutes. Yay!
done my first 5K! fX Sunday Fun Race, Sep 22, 2013
Dan selanjutnya dengan sok PD, pendaftaran beberapa race langsung saya klik otomatis tanpa pikir panjang.

1 minggu kemudian..

2nd race on Sep 29, 2013 - Adidas KOTR (Kings of The Road) 2013 (10K)!
Katanyaaa... Ini salah satu ajang lomba lari paling bergengsi dan yang ditunggu-tunggu. Daftar! fiuhhh... It's getting tougher!

Dari segi lokasi acara, ini yang terjauh.. di BSD Green Office Park.
Jam 03.00 subuh, sudah mesti bangun dan siap-siap berangkat :( gugup, makin deket ke lokasi makin berasa mules, gada teman, 10K! Bisa ga ya? Selesai ga ya? but.. I finished my first 10K, too! :)
Kelar Adidas KOTR 10K ini, sudah kepikiran tahun depan pengen nyoba yang 16K hehehe..

3rd race on Oct 6, 2013 - Mandiri Run 2013 (10K)!
Mungkin karena berpatokan dari 2 lomba lari sebelumnya, lomba yang ini sepertinya yang paling mengecewakan :( Kenapa? Karena kualitas medalinya sangat amat murahan (sorry to say), dan kategori di medalinya tidak dibedakan "5K&10K", sungguh amat menyakitkan bagi yang sudah menyelesaikan 10K apalagi kalau baru pertama kali ikut! Ciiihh... Tapi ya sudahlah, complain sudah dikirim melalui twitter, semoga saja para panitia/EO itu membaca tweet complain saya dan memperbaikinya di event-event selanjutnya.

4th race on Oct 13, 2013 - Allianz Jakarta Heart Run (10K)!
Entah kenapa (lupa), pas acara yang ini saya ga bisa ikutan.

5th race on Oct 27, 2013 - (uji nyali) The Jakarta Marathon (Half-marathon-21K)!
This was the hardest! Indeed!
Mulai dari antri ngambil race pack yang lama dan panjang sampai tengah malam eh, pagi deh.. Baru selesai jam 00.30! :(
I was the last person to close the registration on day-1.
Race pack The Jakarta Marathon 2013 (Half marathon) except the shoes & shorts :P
21K! "It's supposed to hurt"
Distance running hurts, that's its very purpose: to push you out of your comfort zone again and again, until that zone gets bigger.
When my breaths felt irregular and gaspy and music became irritating noise, I told myself, this is running. I tried hard to focus on that desire when my brain started putting me down.
I decided that I'm going to make it! I walked if I needed to, jog and run but I wouldn’t quit until I hit the finish line.
Yes! I finished hard with all the dramas! I done my first half-marathon in more than 3 hours but I wasn't the last person. Thanks God!
Vero, my friend from previous company - It was nice seeing someone I knew
The result!
Perasaan setelah nyelesaiin half-marathon ini.. "KAPOOOK!" :( :( capeee, hauss.. laperrr.. kaki dan lutut pada sakit, telapak kaki lecet-lecet" Ga mau lagi! Pokoknya enough, ga lagi-lagi.." hiks hikss...

6th race on Dec 15, 2013 (last race of 2013) - BajakJKT2013 (10K!)
This is it! The final and closing race of 2013, BajakJKT2013 10K!
Buddies at start line ^-^
instead of medal, we got finisher shirt - it's okay! :D
Now, when I remembered all those moments.. I feel proud of myself! Finally, I can do something (I can say) great and meaningful! :D Yeah! Though I'm a slow runner, I can finish all my races :) (forget the time!)

Thank you to my husband and my son who were always ready to drop and support me through all those races. Love you boys so much!!

Next goal, I'm planning to prepare myself for my full marathon in 2014! So help me God! and may the speed be with me! :D
Yeah, call me crazy.. hahaha I have a full year of 2014 to practise (as if) :) :) :)

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