Thursday, April 17, 2014

10 Tell Tale Signs You Are A Runner (according to me)

  1. You have a sweet tan line from running shorts
  2. Before leaving on a run your kid ask the difference between a long and short run or the route
  3. It's impossible to eat pasta and not think of carbo loading
  4. Running becomes an essential part of your day (not an option)
  5. Free time? Long run! 
  6. You honestly think of milk as a recovery drink
  7. You search every endurance products available to work your body
  8. You enjoy running no matter the speed or running partner (children, friends, parents)
  9. You go to a new place or foreign country and immediately think of the new areas you can explore on a run
  10. You check regularly for running events you can participate
originaly posted by RunStylish.

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